Musical Vlog
[Musical Vlog] Empty House (Covered on "Mindfulness")
MV Title: Empty House
Music Title: Mindfulness by Aija Alsina (in Artlist)
Vocal: Janinto
Dance: Yejin
Painting: Janinto&Yejin -
[Musical Vlog] Nella Fantasia - Janinto&Yejin
Song Title: Nella Fantasia
Composing: Ennio Morricone
Camera&Drone&Editing: Janinto&Yejin
Music Arrangement&Recording: Janinto
Vocal: Janinto
#Nella Fantasia #The Mission #Ennio Morricone #Gabriel's Oboe #Janinto -
In Trutina (Carl Orff, Newage Vocal Style)
Song Title: In Trutina (from "Carmina Burana")
Composer: Carl Orff
Vocal: Janinto
Filming: Janinto & Yejin -
[Musical Vlog] Clair De Lune of Debussy
Music: Clair De Lune of Debussy -
[Musical Vlog] Largo of Vivaldi
Song Title: The Four Seasons, Violin Concerto in F Minor, Op 8 No. 4, RV 297 "Winter (L'inverno)": II. Largo
Composer: Antonio Vivaldi
Vocal: Janinto
Filming: Janinto & Yejin
Location: Jeju Island of Sounth Korea -
[Musical Vlog] Serenade of F.Schubert - Janinto
Song Title: Serenade D.957 No.4
Composer: Franz Peter Schubert
Vocal: Janinto
Filming: Janinto & Yejin
Location: Jeju Island of South Korea
Subtiltes: English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, Japanes, Chines, Arabic, Hindustani, Korean, Russian... -
[Musical Vlog] The White Breath
Created 140 million years ago, Korea's Upo Wetland is home to 4,000 species of animals and plants. This wetland, like a mother's womb, is a maternal existence for life.
In this video work, we are grateful for that love and wished for its infinity.
Therefore, I think it is necessary to shed light on the meaning of existence between wetlands and humans and the emotional/spiritual value of mutual respect. As a way to do that, we chose the emotional way of music and dance.
1억 4천만년 전에 생성되어, 4천 여종의 동식물들이 살아가고 있는 우포습지, 습지는 어머니의 자궁처럼 생명들을 위한, 모성애적 존재입니다.
이 영상작품에는 그 사랑을 감사히 여기며 또, 그것의 무한함을 기원하는 우리 인간의 소망을 담았습니다.
따라서 습지와 인간 상호 간의 존재 의미와 상호 존중에 대한 감성/정신적인 가치를 조명해볼 필요가 있다고 생각합니다. 그 새로운 방식 가운데서 우리는 음악과 춤이라는 감성적 예술 방식을 선택하였습니다. -
[Musical Vlog] 무명을 위한 노래 Song for The Unnamed
2023 제주국제드론필름페스티벌 출품작 (Genre 부문 수상)
촬영/기획: 자닌토앤예진 (Janinto&Yejin)
음악: 무명의 노래 'Song forThe Unnamed'
작곡/작사: Janinto (2023)
나레이션: Janinto
카메라: Canon R5C, Canon R6MK2, Blackmagic BMPCC6K Pro
드론: Mavic 3 Classic
시놉시스: 한 음악가 부부가 흔해빠지고 쓸모없다고 생각했었던 제주도의 잡초와 검은돌의 이름을 하나씩 알아가게 되는데 이를 통해서 자신들의 자족적 존재가치와 예술적 갈망의 소중함을 더욱 자각하게 된다. -
[Musical Vlog] 바람의노래 Song from The Wind
우리는 육지에서 제주도로 날아온 꽃의 씨앗과 같은 음악가입니다.
우리는 이 새로운 섬에 씨앗을 내리고, 아름다운 음악을 꽃 피우게 될 겁니다.
섬의 멋진 바람이 우리와 함께 하고 있답니다. -
[ Musical Vlog ] Song From The Jeju Island (Grand Prize,Jeju Stone Culture Park Competition)
This video won the grand prize at the 2022 Stone Culture Park value Promotion Contents Competition. As a narration and music video style, this work uses a form of singing and dancing to reflect on the myths and traces of "Seolmundae Halmang."
It positively interpreted the tragic death of Seolmundae Halmang as a resurrection and transfer, but at the same time contained a message of praise and reward for the devoted motherhood of Jeju women, which would have originated.
Music Title: Song From The Jeju Island (Composed and arranged by Janinto. 2019)
Vocal and Dance: Janinto and Yejin
Filmming: Janinto and Yejin
The Jeju creation myth of "Seolmundae Halmang" is told through oral tradition, not through clear documentary records, and various stories are told depending on the subject and region of the oral tradition. But within that diversity we find a common element: the goddess of creation is a very human and feminine. In other words, they have a family like humans, have emotional exchanges and cooperation with humans, feel joy and sadness, and perform traditional women's tasks such as laundry and cooking.
Seolmundae Halmang was the goddess of creation and dedication for Jeju Island and the people here. But she didn't have enough for herself, so she had to deal with humans for clothes, and she died miserable while cooking to feed her 500 sons, or she drowned in the water duck lake that she had created herself.
I reinterpreted this very tragic element as follows.
1) The death of Seolmundae Halmang means not extinction, but revival through the harmony of her 500 sons, revival through the oreum and islands of Jeju Island, and revival as a spiritual center for Jeju residents.
2) The motherhood and creativity of Seolmundae Halmang are myths that are copied/originated from the lives of Jeju women.
3) This myth is not an extinction tragedy, but a positive comedy through absorption and revival. -
[Musical Vlog] Ave Maria of Michael Lorenc
Song Title: Ave Maria
Composer: Michał Lorenc
Vocal: Janinto
Filming: Yejin
Location: Jeju Island of South Korea -
[Musical Vlog] Noh Cah (Love for The Lonely)
Music Title: Noh Cah (Music Title: Noh Cah (Love for The Lonly)
Painting Title: Noh Cah (29x21.5cm, oil pastel & watercolor pencil)
Music & Vocal: Janinto
Camera & Painting: Yejin
You can also watch the Vlog video for this.
This song is my first debut song in 2006, and it's my favorite song. And this song has been widely used in Korean movies, commercials, radio, and TV.Love for The Lonly)
Painting Title: Noh Cah (29x21.5cm, oil pastel & watercolor pencil)
Music & Vocal: Janinto
Camera & Painting: Yejin